Ramblings, musings and generally boring stuff. Mostly about bikes...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Soo cold

Preparing to ride Frostbike 2011. photo credit: Tom Fleming

FrostBike 2011 started yesterday. I rode today with temps around 20 degrees but a beautiful Sunshine. We had over 30 people join us and then 6 of us rode more afterward. It's amazing that I felt comfortable for most of the ride and could even feel how warm the sun was on my face at one point. It was a beautiful ride. We had some coffee and a little food at Cafe Ventana and then headed back out for more riding (about another hour). I stayed comfortable the whole time. Not too cold, not too sweaty.

Now, I am at home in my snuggly fleece PJ's and I can't get warm. I've even been sitting on the "cat warmers" (heating vents) and it's not sinking into my bones.
I am, as Dessa put it today, "Cold on the inside."


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